Now please record a video – no more than 3 minutes long –  to complete your application.

Here’s what we want:

  1. Length:  3 minutes. You can easily do this on your phone or webcam.
  1. Tell us:  Why we should pick you over all the other highly qualified applicants?  What makes you amazing at outside sales?  Use concrete numbers and past results.   Sell us on you!
  1. Submit your video to YouTube or any other video sharing site you desire. If you use YouTube set the video to “unlisted” (not “public” and not “private”).
  2. Email us a link to your video:  Subject line “Awesome PAM video. I’ll Crush It!”

Note: This video requirement is OPTIONAL. However, we will definitely look at you more favorably if you will submit a video.


Thank you. We’ll be in touch shortly!

Jason Byrne, Co-Founder and CEO

HomeTrust LLC